Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Year 4

Welcome to Year Four

Keep an eye on our blog for updates on what we are doing this year.

Year 4's Blog

Meet the teacher in Y4

Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

Please find attached the Meet the Teacher PowerPoint for Y4.

Best wishes,

Miss Barker

Meet the teacher

A visit to the Gallery

Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

‪As part of the Queen of Sheba (art based) topic, the school hall was transformed into an art gallery this afternoon. The children have been taught how to 'read' a painting and using the gallery catalogue they perused the works on display.

Tint awareness

Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

Year 4 created multiple tints of a single colour to create enough contrast to recreate a section of our studied painting. The task required careful brush control, colour awareness and a lot of patience. However, the Year 4s rose to the challenge and produced these lovely works of art:

Colour sensing robots!

Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

As part of our art driven topic, we've been learning about words such as tone, hue and tint. We wanted to see if we could use the Vex hardware to identify basic colours of red blue and a secondary colour of green. One team managed to get their robot to identify all 3 colours of the Vex blocks and the colours of objects around the room!

How do we make a paper aeroplane? ✈️

Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

Following last week's Pikachu bookmarks, where we relied on images to write our instructions, today year 4 made paper aeroplanes. Unfortunately, the instructions were in Spanish! This meant the images alone were quite confusing showing us we can't just rely on pictures. After building, we tried them out in a test flight! The furthest flown was approxiamtely11m!

Year 4’s Jesse Tree

Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

Year 4 have been working hard this week decorating our class Jesse Tree.

Expedition Update

Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

The children have this week managed to turn their algorithm into code and send this to the robot brain. Early testing shows that these algorithms may need a little debugging to complete this journey successfully!



Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

Year 4 have been studying Latin as our Modern Foreign Language. Latin allows our children to explore the root and etymology of much of our English vocabulary. For example, Manus means hands in Latin, and what do you use To do something manually? Therefore, manually means 'by hand'. I wonder I feel you can guess at what other words come from these Latin body parts?

Structured imagery

Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

Year 4 have been using Cuisenere to help them understand how bar models work. Do you know the difference between a part, part, whole and a part, part, part, whole model?


Year 4 (Year 4) on: Year 4's Blog

As part of our Called Come and See topic, Year 4 created short dramas using our own experiences that showed when we had been chosen for a task or event.

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