Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Year 1

Welcome to Year One

Keep an eye on our blog for updates on what we are doing this year.

Year 1's Blog

Making a home for a bog baby

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

This week children have been enjoying reading The Bog Baby in our literacy lessons.  

We took this into our outdoor learning by making our very own Bog Babies and own own classroom bog for them to live in.

All children had their own individual bog baby adding feathers for wings, googly eyes and twigs for arms and legs.

All the Bog Babies now have a permanent home in their year 1 bog.

outdoor thursday.docx 




Year 1 took a stroll in the deep, dark woods...

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

Year 1 had a great forest school session this afternoon by spending the afternoon in our local woods.

Children explored the woodlands, found a den made of sticks (was it the home of the Gruffalo?) and found lots of interesting things.

We took part in a 5 star woodland challenge, bark rubbings, running free and having fun.

Before we headed home we read the Gruffalo which has been our story for this week.  Some children were even sure they spotted the Gruffalo himself! 

Exploring the outdoors

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

Children have had a great outdoor afternoon using their new knowledge of trees to go on a tree hunt.

Children found Silver Birch, Oak, Horse Chestnut, Hawthorn, Holly and Conifer all in our school grounds! How lucky are we to have all these lovely trees in our school!

Children enjoyed being in the trees so much they made their own dens and even climbed a few.


Deep, dark woods

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

Year 1 have had a great week back after the half term holiday and have really enjoyed getting stuck into their new topic ‘Deep, dark, woods’.

Children have been learning about trees this week looking at the different types; deciduous and evergreen and looking at tree types within our local area.

Children got up close with plants on our observation station using magnifying glasses to closely observe and sketch flowers and plants. Children even got to plant their own sunflower this week which they will be caring for and taking home at the end of the term.

Children also really loved been outside in our garden centre role play area and sharing a book in our own woodland indoor area.

Royal tournament and Banquet

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

Year 1 had an amazing day today to celebrate this terms topic.

Arriving this morning dressed as Kings, Queens, Princesses and Knights children started the day watching Brave to closely observe Merida’s archery skills.

Children then moved on to making their own bow and arrows using willow twigs for the bow and horse chestnut twigs for the arrow. With a little help from our year 5 helpers, children used a clove hitch knot to tie the string on to the bow.

Children then added their own decoration to make their bow and arrows look even better.

In the afternoon children joined F1, F2 and Year 2 for a royal tournament and finished the day off with a fantastic royal banquet.

Children commented it was their best day ever!


A visit to an art gallery

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

This week year 1 got to experience what it may be like to visit an art gallery.

Filled with their own portraits plus portraits from year 2, children got to observe and comment on the portraits they saw.

Children demonstrated the knowledge they had learned over this term by commenting on how well the artist had used proportion, colour and symbols to enhance their work.

Castle building

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

This week year 1 put their design and build skills into practice by designing and building their own castles out of cardboard boxes. 

Using the knowledge gained this term about castles, children were tasked to build their castles including the main features such as battlements, keep and drawbridge.

Children had to manipulate the resources available to cut, join and stick in order to complete their castle.

They then finished their castles by adding paint and flags as finishing touches.


Homework stars

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

Here are our homework stars for this term.

They have all independently produced some fantastic homework that they shared with the class.

Well done Emily, Darsh, Lilly-Jean, Isaac, Evelyn, George and Morella.

RSPB's Big Garden Bird Watch

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

Year 1 got involved in this years RSBP's Big Garden Bird Watch in this weeks outdoor afternoon.

To start we talked about the different types of birds we may spot in our outdoor area and what birds we see on a daily basis.  

Children then made their own binoculars or telescopes for spotting the birds even better in the trees and skies around us.

Using their RSBP Big Garden Bird Watch bird check list, they went off into the outdoors to see which birds they could find.

Blackbirds, Wood pigeons, Magpies and Robins were all spotted out on our school field.  

Children were really engaged in this activity so much so that they may have scared a few birds away with their noisy excitement :-) 

Phonics screening information evening

Year 1 (Year 1) on: Year 1's Blog

Please see details of the Year 1 Phonics screening check information meeting.

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you.

Miss Johnson 

Phonics screening check 2020.pptx

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