Welcome to Year Two
Keep an eye on our blog for updates on what we are doing this year.
Year 2's Blog
Meet the Teacher
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
Thank you to all who attended the Meet the Teacher session after school - it was lovely to see you taking an interest in how your children spend their days and supporting them to follow routines and procedures which will help them settle in more quickly. Please take a look at the power-point for more information:
Miss Dyson, Mrs Waller & Mrs Deakin
Holy Week Activities
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
Children, today, have enjoyed a series of lessons and activities developed to celebrate Holy Week.
We recalled the Story of Easter and then went outside in groups to create our own Easter Gardens using natural materials. We are very proud of how we did and we look at them to remember that Jesus rose from the dead to be with his Father in heaven.
Next, we watched a short film called The Three Trees. We thought about all the important things that can be made with wood and tried to understand that, although we may not always get what we want, God always has a plan for us.
We created out own "Three Trees" using small twigs and tissue paper.
We ended the day by carrying a log around the field, remembering the tough journey that Jesus made up the hill to be crucified.
Have a great Easter everyone!
Forest School - Honeycomb hexagons
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
We have been learning all about how bees make honey, including having a visit from two very knowledgeable bee-keepers!
We decided to have a forest school session where we challenged ourselves to build the biggest honeycomb we could using only sticks we could find.
We did a great job - see what you think!
Forest School - The House at Pooh Corner
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
We were really impressed by how well children worked in small groups of 3 to build houses for Eeyore out of sticks and other things in the natural environment today.
Happy faces were all around as children dashed about finding sticks of the right size and shape in order to create a strong and stable home for Eeyore. One group even had a visitor from a little, pink worm who seemed to think their tiny house was the perfect place to wriggle around in!
All groups were successful in the task and we didn't let the drizzle or wind spoil our fun at all!
Forest School - cobweb morning
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
Having been inspired by the glistening cobwebs yesterday, and seeing the same icy and snowy conditions this morning, we decided to have a Forest School session where we explored the grounds for beautiful spider webs.
We had read a poem called "Cobweb Morning" and took inspiration from the lyrical lines. In groups we took photos of spiderwebs that we found and went for a hunt around the grounds for hidden adjectives and nouns that would help us to create our own poems to capture the beauty of the day.
One group came up with this poem:
Forest School - Make the biggest number!
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
We had such fun today when we were challenged to make the biggest number by bundling twigs into groups of ten. Tying the twigs together was a challenge but we worked as a team and made numbers as big as 460!
Well done, Year 2
Forest School
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
Your children were fabulous today when we had our first Forest School session!
They embraced the ethos of Forest School, following rules for health, safety and enjoyment :) They loved spending time around the school grounds, exploring places they hadn't had access to before. All staff thought the children behaved brilliantly, treating the natural surroundings with respect and showing kindness to each other.
What a great day!
Outdoor Friday: Barefoot Trail
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
What an amazing experience we had today!
We were learning about animal tracks and the different kinds of surfaces that leave the best tracks. The children were excited to begin the Barefoot Trail that we had set up so that they could experience the sensations of different outdoor terrains such as mud, sand, leaves and gravel. At the end of the trail they tested out their own tracks, leaving muddy footprints behind on pieces of paper. Many of the children rushed straight back to the beginning of the trail to try it out again!
I had such fun with the children and really enjoyed listening to their enthusiasm and seeing their smiling faces. Well done Y1 and Y2!
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
Y2 pupils were visited by Cathy from the AMRC this week. She brought with her some Marty bots. The children enjoyed getting to know Marty and learning about how he moves.
Gospel assembly
Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
Year 2 led the school in a wonderful Gospel assembly that discussed how love grows and spreads the more it is passed around. How can you be a more loving person and bring more joy to those you love?