Welcome to Year Two
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Holy Week Activities
Posted: Apr 12, 2019 by: Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2's Blog
Children, today, have enjoyed a series of lessons and activities developed to celebrate Holy Week.
We recalled the Story of Easter and then went outside in groups to create our own Easter Gardens using natural materials. We are very proud of how we did and we look at them to remember that Jesus rose from the dead to be with his Father in heaven.
Next, we watched a short film called The Three Trees. We thought about all the important things that can be made with wood and tried to understand that, although we may not always get what we want, God always has a plan for us.
We created out own "Three Trees" using small twigs and tissue paper.
We ended the day by carrying a log around the field, remembering the tough journey that Jesus made up the hill to be crucified.
Have a great Easter everyone!